Thursday, October 30, 2008

Women begin process of $ 500 million against Dell


The North American manufacturer of computers Dell faces a collective action for alleged discriminatory practices towards women and officials from more than 40 years, claiming $ 500 million.

"Talk that there is no ceiling for women in Dell is a euphemism. Actually, there is, yes, a roof and cement" said the lawyer Steven Wittels, who represents the parties in dispute in this matter.

"When Dell publishes its statistics and documentation on their wages, promotions and dismissals, we believe that the truth appears and that the accusations of discrimination from our customers are justified," said one of the lawyers who work on the subject, David Sanford, said in a report.

The lawyers emphasized that the executive committee that runs the Dell is composed of 14 men and that the higher ranks of the company are occupied by 80% by men.

Four women who had positions of responsibility in Human Resources at Dell started the action on behalf of "thousands of current employees and former employees of Dell, women and older people affected, so disproportionately by the wave of layoffs in 2007 and 2008 , "Which added 8000 jobs eliminated, according to a note.

The four plaintiffs, who were dismissed from Dell, allege that when they were employees, had rejected their promotions and even listening to it would be impossible to move forward in the company.


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