Thursday, October 30, 2008

President Bush Hurts McCain Campaign


It is now the closing days of the 2008 presidential election and John McCain still has one big problem. The name of that problem: George W. Bush.

Seven in 10 American's disapprove of the job performance of Bush. This number is close to the 70 year record for low presidential job performance ratings - a record held by George W.

What does Bush's low rating have to do with John McCain? Well, 50% of voters believe McCain will keep the US on the same general path that Bush has been leading us down for the past eight years. But there are people who do believe McCain will take the country in a new direction, 47% of voters to be exact.

Of the 47% of people who can actually envision McCain moving in a new direction, 82% of them support him. On the other hand, the 50% of voters who believe he will be the next George Bush, 90% support Obama. This is the most stark difference between the two candidates.

Although McCain is overwhelmingly favored by the few who still approve of Bush, he is loosing the 72% of voters who disapprove of Bush by a 3-1 margin, 71-27 percent.

Here is the bottom line - Even if every Bush supporter voted for McCain he would still have to win over at least a third of Bush disapprovers in order to catch up to Obama.

Hopefully American's will see McCain for what he really is, the next George W. Bush. A person who will keep us in a never ending war, with a VP who just got her passport and can see Russia from her backyard.


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