Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hu Jia Selected for Sakharov Prize Despite Beijing Warning


Hu Jia, one of China's best know dissidents, now joins the ranks of Nelson Mandela and the East Timorese leader, Xanana Gusmaowas, by being selected for the Sakharov prize. Hu was chosen despite Beijing's warning to the European Union that his selection would damage political ties.

"Hu Jia is one of the real defenders of human rights in the People's Republic of China," said Hans-Gert Poettering, president of the European parliament.

Hu was imprisoned amid subversion charges before the Olympic games. Many human rights campaigners called this part of a coordinated crackdown on activists. His wife, Zeng Jinyan, and their child have also been under house arrest.

Despite being under lock down, the family welcomes the prize, saying "It is also a [sign of] approval of his work. I guess he must be very glad if he knows about it." The prize was accompanied by 50,000 Euro.

Last week China's ambassador to the EU wrote: "If the European parliament should award this prize to Hu Jia, that would inevitably hurt the Chinese people once again and bring serious damage to China-EU relations."

Since naming Hu as the winner, a spokesman for the foreign ministry has said: "To issue an award to such a criminal is interference in China's judicial sovereignty and totally against the initial purpose of this prize."

Hopefully this story will bring attention to the low human rights standards that many in China face, and will bring attention to those people who are being punished and imprisoned for speaking out against the Chinese government.


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