Wednesday, October 22, 2008

No on prop 8


Is it right that we should all come together to make sure we stop two people from getting married? Of all the possible arguments that I find from supporters of Prop 8, I can not think of one that makes sense.

As to the surprise of many, same sex marriage will not end the world, nor create any huge impact in our society. Today many people suffer from lack of love and affection, and if two same sex people decide to provide that, I do not see a problem with it. We have so many real problems to deal with such as universal health care, a failing educational system, and the recovery of the national economy. It is shameful, to say the least, the amount of energy spent on trying to eliminate a constitutional right of two same sex people.

I say vote NO on Prop 8. Go live your life with your loved ones, pay your taxes, and love one another. This is what life is all about and what you should pursue.


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