Thursday, October 23, 2008

7 Reason Sarah Palin Terrorizes me (Does that makes her a terrorist?)


1- She is perverse to animals. She kills just for the pleasure of killing. As it is well know, she goes on trips by helicopter, paid by tax payer’s dollars, to randomly kill animals as she spends tax payer’s dollars for her own sadistic desire of killing.

2- She has been governor of Alaska for a little over 2 years, and she already has been convicted in practicing unethical/ illegal uses of her power. She decided to use her powers as governor to achieve a personal gratification.

3- Sarah Palin says she is conservative, yet her daughter is pregnant of a god knows who. She supports oil drilling and has showed no concern over the environment. As on this video, her beliefs that her policies are god driven really really scare the hell out of me.

4- Sarah Palin thinks that the role of a vice president is to "manage" the senate, creating policies and influencing the decisions in the senate. Her history and background proves that she does, and will use everything on her power to persuade senate to follow her god driven policies.

5- Sarah Palin irresponsible expenditure of tax payers is unbelievable. She accounts for the use of over 30% of flight time of the search and rescue airplane for the state of Alaska, to attend seminars, conventions or go travel with her family. It makes me wonder how many search and rescue were cancelled due to Sarah Palin usage of the airplane.

6- The next one is on the top of my terrorized by Palin list. Palin, it could be argued, following her own logic, thinks so little of America's perfection that she continues to "pal around" with a man--her husband, actually--who only recently terminated his seven-year membership in the Alaskan Independence Party. Putting plunder above patriotism, the members of this treasonous cabal aim to break our country into pieces and walk away with Alaska's rich federal oil fields and one-fifth of America's land base--an area three-fourths the size of the Civil War Confederacy.

7- Lastly, this is what terrorizes me the most: Sarah Palin has sued George W. for considering Polar Bears endangered specie. She makes what was never thought to be possible: Make George Bush look like a hard core environmentalist! To deny that polar bears are endangered shows the lack of care she has towards life.
Please, do not let this woman to be a heartbeat away from being the next president of the United States. Vote for change.


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