Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Obama Says McCain Would be Worse than Bush


"John McCain has ridden shotgun as George Bush has driven our economy toward a cliff, and now he wants to take the wheel and step on the gas. When it comes to the issue of taxes, saying that John McCain is running for a third Bush term isn’t being fair to George Bush."

This is what Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama said at a rally today in Chester, Pa. to a cheering crowd, gathered in the pouring rain.

"This is an unbelievable crowd for this kind of weather, thank you so much. I just want all of you to know, if we see this kind of dedication on election day, there is no way were not going to bring change to America,” he said.

At the rally Obama said that McCain is proposing a $300 billion tax cut for the wealthy and for large corporations. He went on to say that McCain supports $700,000 in tax cuts for Fortune 500 CEO's, which he hopes would eventually trickle down to the the middle-class. Obama said that McCain is not planning on any direct tax relief for the more than 100 million middle-class families.

“That’s not something even George Bush proposed," he said. "The fact is, there's only one candidate with a plan that could eventually raise taxes on millions of middle-class families, and it isn't me. It's my opponent, who'd make you pay taxes on your healthcare benefits for the first time ever."


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