Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Early Voting Favors Democrats


Democrats are showing up in large numbers for early voting, beating out Republicans at their own game. Early voting has normally favored Republican candidates but in this record breaking election Democrats are showing up in droves to show their support for Barack Obama.

"This cannot be good news for John McCain," said Paul Gronke of the Early Voting Information Center at Reed College. "It's the 100-yard dash, and (Barack) Obama is already 20 yards ahead."

Michael McDonald, an elections expert at George Mason University who tracks early voting patterns said that, "It looks good for Barack Obama right now."

But lets not get ahead of ourselves. We need to keep the momentum going and, as Democrats, not get too comfey with media reports. Complacency is the worst thing that could happen to the Obama campaign in this historic election. Remember to urge everyone you know to get out and vote. If we want change we need to make a statement, and in a big way. This is just the beginning.


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