Sunday, October 12, 2008

Tour Mexico by Bus


So you want to travel but don't have much money - seems like that's always the problem. If so, then check out Mexico. Mexico's bus system is what enables you to see everything in Mexico, from beaches to ancient ruins, on a ow budget.

If you are willing to camp or sleep in a hammock you can sleep for less than two dollars a night, and sometimes for free. There is also the option of hostels and family run inns and hotels, all of which are still pretty cheap, sometimes less than US$10 a day for double occupancy, which means if you are traveling with a pal you can expect to spend as little as US$5 a day on lodging. Food is also cheap as is the Mexican alcohol - think Corona and Jose Cuervo.

I am going to map out the best way to see all of Mexico on the cheap. Enjoy.


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