Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Israel & Egypt Aligning Against Iran via Suez Canal


Two Israeli warships have been spotted traversing the Egyptian owned Suez Canal en route to the Red Sea. This is fueling speculation that the waterway will play a part in a possible attack against Iran.

The two ships, the Hanit and the Eilat, crossed from the Mediterranean Sea into the Red Sea on Tuesday.

Israel's Yediot Aharonot said "Egypt and Israel wanted to show their coordination in the face of Iran pursuing its nuclear program."

This crossing was intended as a message to Iran.

Previously, Israeli submarines took weeks to round the whole of Africa and arrive at the Red Sea. Israeli vessels generally do not use the Suez Canal due to intelligence reasons.

Israel, the only country in the Middle East that possesses a nuclear arsenal, has routinely accused Iran of using its uranium enrichment program to develop nuclear weapons, with the intent of attacking Israel. The US and other Western allies back this claim.

Iran continues to deny these charges and says that under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), of which the country is a signatory, it is entitled to conduct a nuclear program for civilian purposes.

The International Atomic Energy Agency, operated by the United Nations, has conducted numerous inspections of Iranian nuclear activities and has not found and evidence proving Israel's claims. There is no proof suggesting that Iran is indeed pursuing nuclear weapons capabilities.


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