Friday, July 3, 2009

No Proof of Iran Nuclear Bomb


Surprise, surprise. The International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) incoming Director - General Yukiya Amano announced today that there is no evidence of Iran possessing nuclear capabilities or enriching nuclear bomb grade uranium. He did go on to say that Iran should follow the guidelines set out for them by the UN Security Council.

'Iran and other countries are under obligation to implement these Security Council resolutions," Amano said in his first press conference as the newly elected Director. "I hope the implementation by Iran and other countries will further help the agency to discharge its responsibilities."

The US and its European allies have routinely accused Iran of enriching uranium to levels of bomb making capabilities. Iran has held its ground, though, that its enrichment program is for peaceful civilian purposes and is entitled to these technologies.

I agree that Iran should be allowed to enrich uranium to be used peacefully. Iran is still far from having the knowledge or ability to enrich uranium to the levels that are needed to make a nuclear bomb. Beyond that, its centrifuges rarely are in working condition, moreover, they rarely work all together at the same time, which is necessary to attain high levels of enrichment.

Again I point to the similarities between Iraq and what is now happening in Iran. There is no conclusive evidence of foul play going on in Tehran. Additionally, further sanctions against Iran will serve to alienate the people of the Middle East more so than they already are.

Open up you eyes and smell the black gold - that is the only reason Western nations are interested in the Middle East.


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