Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Cuba Joins Venezuela in Accusing US of Supporting Coup Leaders


Cuba has joined Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez in accusing the US of 'providing military support' to the de facto government in Honduras that removed the country's elected leader Manuel Zelaya in a coup.

While speaking in Nicaragua, the Cuban Vice President Esteban Lazo said on Sunday that Havana demands that Washington 'cease its intervention' in Honduras' affairs.

"President Zelaya should be restored to his office, as requested by the Organization of American States (OAS) and other international organizations," said Lazo who representing Cuban President Raul Castro who was in Managua celebrating the 30th anniversary of Nicaragua's Sandinista revolution.

Although the US has a military base in Honduras, Washington has repeatedly condemned Zelaya's ouster, called for his reinstatement.


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