Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Obama Will Not Allow More F-22 Fighter Jets


Finally a president who makes intelligent decisions based off of reasoning!

US President Barack Obama said in a letter on Monday that he will veto a Senate defense spending bill for more F-22 fighters (which is the world's costliest fighter jet at $44,000 to operate for just one hour), urging lawmakers to redirect funding to maintain current wars.

The proposed bill requests $680 billion in military spending, but the president said he would veto it "if it supports acquisition of F-22s beyond the 187 already funded by Congress," wrote a Washington Post article.

"We do not need these planes," Obama said in letters to Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin, D-Mich., and ranking member John McCain, R-Ariz.

Obama felt that there was no need to spent the money on Cold War era weapons that would "waste valuable resources that should be more usefully employed to provide our troops with the weapons that they actually do need."

Critics have agreed with this stance for some years already noting that they are practically useless outside of the Cole War ear.

The Pentagon says that there is more need for unmanned aircraft used to gather intelligence in Afghanistan and maintain its war against insurgents (choosing who is and who isn't an insurgent is a whole other issue for me).

US lawmakers believe that they need the advanced warplane against China.

China? Really?


Save Darfur - Be Involved

