Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Disabled Voting Still a Challenge


I work with adults with developmental disabilities. Today is an exciting day for them. This is when they feel like they really are part of the system. Most days they get stared at when they walk down the street and they have a hard time getting jobs. But today is the day when they are just like everyone else - hoping to change the world!

Here is the problem I encountered yesterday. My client, we will call her Sue, wants to vote. She lives in a group home and gets Social Security Income money for the state, which doesn't allow her many creature comforts. She wants Obama to win.

Her parents are wealthy - they are voting for McCain. Here is the catch. Her parents said they would not take her to vote because she is voting for Barack Obama.

Unfair? Yes.

Unheard of? No.

Many of my clients are not being taken out to vote. It so disappointing that on the one day they get to feel involved they get ignored.

So today, my coworkers and I will be shuttling clients from polling place to polling place.

Today if you see a disabled person walking down the street or bagging your groceries, ask them if they voted. Help them to feel necessary. Let them feel involved.

Get out and VOTE!


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