Saturday, November 1, 2008

Democratic voters outweigh the Republicans in early voting


This year the early voting is changing the campaign strategies behavior of the electorate more than any other time in U.S. history, according to analysts cited by the CNN network. Both Barack Obama and John McCain are investing these last days of campaigning in states that are still a toss-up.

So far early voting trends show the Democrats in the lead, 58% to 42%.

Paul Gronke, of the Information Center for Early Voting, said that Republicans may be holding their votes until election day.

Many Republican voters have polling places that do not generally have long snaking lines and have large amounts of voting machines. Whereas many Obama supporters, especially black and Hispanic supporters, live in poor neighborhoods where lines are usually hours long. This motivates them to vote early.

But David Plouffe, a leading name in the Democratic campaign, told CNN that they are confident many voters still have to vote.


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