Saturday, November 1, 2008

Different Strategies for the Last Weekend


On the last weekend of campaigning before the US elections this Tuesday, the strategy of the two Presidential candidates are quite different. The Democratic nominee, Barack Obama, continues investing in states that traditionally vote Republican, while his opponent, John McCain, fights to ensure victory in states that George W. Bush won in 2004.

The two have commitments in South Carolina on Sunday, but Obama is also going to Missouri and Nevada, states that normally vote Republican. This Saturday McCain visited Virginia, a state that has been carried by the Republicans since 1964.

Obama predicted that McCain would play dirty in the end. This seems to be coming true with the picture perfect timing of the release of information regarding the illegal status of an Obama aunt.

Although Obama currently leads in the polls, McCain's campaign insists that the gap is closing fast. Political director, Mike DuHaime, said that according to the "Washington Post" the number of phone calls from Republican supporters is already 150% higher than the same period recorded in the 2004 elections.

This just goes to show that we cannot rely on the polls, which have been wrong before. We can't just say we are going to vote for Barack Obama but we actually need to go out and do it!


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