Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obama will tax Oprah $16m, McCain will give her $9m back


Everyone knows that Oprah Winfrey is Barack Obama's long time friend and biggest supporter. She believes he stands for change:

“I think that what he stands for, what he has proven that he can stand for, what he has shown was worth me going out on a limb for – and I haven’t done it in the past because I haven’t felt that anybody, I didn’t know anybody well enough to be able to say, I believe in this person.”

We also hear about the tax differences between Obama and Republican rival John McCain. Oprah is one of the highest paid women in the US, obviously she makes more than $250,000. Obama's tax plan would effect her in a major way, but so would McCain's tax plan.

Obama wants to tax the top earners in the US, these are the people who make over $250,000. With Obama as president Oprah would be paying $16 million a year more in taxes.

McCain is proposing a $300 billion dollar tax cut for the wealthy and for large corporations. If McCain were to become president Oprah would be taxed $9 million dollars less than she currently is - like handing her a nice fat $9 million dollar check.

This is the best example of the stark differences between the two candidates. Under Obama the middle class will benefit, under McCain the wealthy will benefit.

What would you rather have? $16 million given back to the middle class, or $9 million handed back to the already wealthy?

It seems like an easy choice for me.

And although Oprah will be paying much more in taxes, she believes in what Obama stands for, and the changes he will bring. Please stand with me and vote for barack Obama on November 4th.


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